Original Yellow Wiggle Greg Page Urges: “Learn CPR”

By: Clare Bruce

The original ‘Yellow Wiggle’ Greg Page, who had a brush with death in January, has posted a video urging people to learn CPR, and advocating for more life-saving Automatic External Defibrillators (AED machines) to be kept in public places. Read more

Chicken Nuggets (Nut-Free)

By: Susan Joy

Easy and delicious Chicken Nuggets with a nut-free, lightly seasoned coating. I created this recipe with children in mind so they can enjoy a yummy, healthy school lunch (it’s been taste tested by my grandkids and passed with flying colours). Read more

When Friendships Go Wrong For Girls

By: Collett Smart

When I worked as a school psychologist, for more than 10 years, some of the most common lunch time chats I had in my office were with one girl or a group of girls. Inevitably, because something had ‘gone wrong’ in their relationships. This resulted in some tears, sometimes heartache, often internal wrestling or questioning. Read more

When the World Sends You Garbage, Send Back Music

By: Sheridan Voysey

Cateura is a small slum in Paraguay, South America, built on a rubbish tip. Desperately poor, its villagers eke out a living by recycling and selling whatever they can find in the garbage. But from these unpromising conditions something beautiful has emerged – an orchestra. Read more

Record Low Birth Rates and a Record High Life Expectancy

By: McCrindle

Australia is experiencing record low birth rates per couple but a record high number birth overall. Women are choosing to delay getting married and having children, prioritising education and career before starting a family.
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God Uses My Past — Hernán’s Story

By: yesHeis

Hernán knew about God as a teenager however, at the age of fifteen, he started smoking marijuana and later began to use cocaine.
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Zucchini Slice

By: Susan Joy

This is my version of the humble Zucchini Slice. It’s packed with zucchini, bacon and lots of flavour. My family didn’t even notice it was dairy-free or wheat-free. This slice is kid-friendly and can be served hot or chilled with salad. It’s also the perfect healthy breakfast on the run and being nut-free it’s suitable for school lunchboxes. Read more

3 Keys to a Happy Marriage and 4 Rules for the Tough Times

By: Katrina Roe

Last year, psychologist, author and contributor Collett Smart celebrated her 25-year wedding anniversary. She shares what she knows about marriage now, that she didn’t know when she walked down the aisle. Read more

What Your Future Job Will Look Like

By: Michael McQueen

If you had told the manual workers of the previous centuries that one day the average person’s ‘work’ would primarily be conducted from one little device we call a ‘laptop’, they would not have believed you – and they definitely would not have thought of it as ‘work’.
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