In a Time of Turmoil, Seed is Helping Christian Enterprises ‘Reimagine’ the Year Ahead
By: Clare Bruce
Only weeks ago, Christian organisations and entrepreneurs were sinking their teeth into their goals and dreams for 2020. Read more
By: Clare Bruce
Only weeks ago, Christian organisations and entrepreneurs were sinking their teeth into their goals and dreams for 2020. Read more
By: Annie Hamilton
Main image: Australian bush poet A.B. ‘Banjo’ Paterson. Inset: Light Horseman Private Richard Harwell Bryant on his waler, the kind of horse broken in and trained by Banjo Paterson. Bryant died aged only 38 while serving in Beirut, Syria, 1918. Photo: Australian War Memorial. All photos: Public Domain
Those tough Aussie horses, broken in and trained for the exact task before them, struggled in the soft, burning Middle Eastern sand, their fetlocks sinking deep in the desert hills. Read more
I recently received an anonymous message from a devastated mum. After reading one of my articles about why we should never threaten our child with abandonment – like “If you don’t get in the car right now I’ll leave you here at the park”, she wrote in anguish: Read more
By: Michael McQueen
In a time that is characterised by confinement, disruption and chaos, maintaining a sense of momentum and productivity can prove beyond challenging. One of the biggest enemies of momentum is monotony and in a time like this, it seems as if the one dependable aspect of life is its monotony as it feels like we are all participating in a modern, viral version of Groundhog Day. Read more
By: Rhema 99.7
In this interview, Chad Mattson from the band Unspoken chats about his faith journey, how the band formed and the meaning behind some of the band’s songs. Unspoken is an American contemporary Christian band composed of Chad Mattson, Jon Lowry, and Ariel Munoz & recently, new member Ryan Babin. Read more
By: Susan Joy
This Indian Vindaloo curry dish is very flexible, you can use pork, chicken, beef, lamb or prawns. It’s a bit different to a regular curry as the meat is cooked or marinated with vinegar and is extra spicy. You can adjust the quantity of chilli powder to how hot you like your Vindaloo. I’ve made this dish to my family’s taste buds but you may like it even hotter. Read more
By: Clare Bruce
Above: Medical crew gather to pray inside the Emergency Field Hospital in Cremona, Italy. Photo: Courtesy of Samaritan’s Purse
Christian aid organisation Samaritan’s Purse is busy responding to the COVID-19 pandemic across the world, with two emergency field hospitals set up in Italy and New York, and two Australians deployed on the hospital medical teams. Read more
By: Collett Smart
Many around the world have been housebound for some time now. We’re not even sure when this way of living will come to an end. How might we navigate everyone being at home, in a confined space, for most of the day, for an unknown period of time… and still maintain mental fitness? Read more
By: Sabrina Peters
Prayer is powerful. It changes..well, everything! Our minds , our circumstances, our emotions, our health, our heart, our failures, our families, our future, our worlds! It’s also the way in which we talk to God, hear his voice and know his will for our lives. May these verses remind you of the mighty and supernatural power of prayer!