5 Sure-Fire Ways to put Know-It-All Kids in Their Place
Know-it-all kids have a way of making life misery for parents. Yet, their most annoying qualities are likely to be their greatest assets.
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Know-it-all kids have a way of making life misery for parents. Yet, their most annoying qualities are likely to be their greatest assets.
By: Ted Cunningham | Focus On The Family We all deal with difficult relationships. When a relationship is strained we need to find the words that bring healing, not strife and more destruction.
Canada legislated nationally for same sex marriage in 2005. This Open House article and podcast explores what we can learn from Canada’s experience.
Can we learn from the wrong decisions of others and spare ourselves from going through the guaranteed pain and the consequences of those mistakes?
“The issue is this, if you change the law about marriage, what do you do with people whose views about marriage don’t change?”
Learn how to understand your teen’s behaviour, adjust expectations, what to do when they’re disrespectful and how to help them navigate peer pressure.
Neil Foster, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Newcastle, discusses the rules governing the SSM survey campaigns.
We know it’s important to keep in shape, eat well, and stimulate our brains by learning new things. But to be whole, we also need food for the soul.
Did you wake up today feeling like you’re missing out on something? Are you tempted to book your place in the queue for the revolutionary iPhone X?
Dads, help is finally here. DadsUNI is a free website dedicated to training and equipping dads.