Are You In a Mid-Life Low? Take Heart – It’ll Get Better, Say Researchers
After 50, our happiness – according to research – starts to climb again. So, if you’re 50 or younger, one way or another, happy days really are ahead.
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But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3821 entries already.
After 50, our happiness – according to research – starts to climb again. So, if you’re 50 or younger, one way or another, happy days really are ahead.
At first the plan seemed clear and the path straight. But now you wonder if you’ve taken a wrong turn and if you’ll ever reach your dreamed-of destination.
“In any free and open society it’s extremely important on matters to ensure that both side have their viewpoints protected.” Prof Iain Benson
How much impact can faith and friendship have on your marriage? Hear how these things can help a couple through serious life challenges.
My wife and my children are incredibly important to me so it should be no surprise that they are always in my thoughts and conversations.
We need to be lovers of freedom and tolerance. A message for both sides of this postal vote, and one that we’ll need even more in the ashes of the outcome.
Just 10 minutes’ drive from Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, where the terror of the shooting took place, around 2000 people meet every week to worship God.
Did you know that 1 in 5 Aussies are affected by mental illness? For World Mental Health Day, here are ten tips for looking after your mental health.
Students across Australia are preparing for end of year exams. It’s a time of stress for the whole family, but there are ways to make study more effective and reduce the stress.
The fastest growing religion in the West isn’t Islam, Buddhism, Mormonism or Christianity. It’s Materialism, and the effects of this religion touch us all.