Rohingya Refuge Crisis “Like Walking Through the Gates of Hell” — Tim Costello
Just days after returning from Bangladesh Rev Tim Costello said that it was “the worst human suffering that I have personally witnessed”.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3821 entries already.
Just days after returning from Bangladesh Rev Tim Costello said that it was “the worst human suffering that I have personally witnessed”.
As I stood in the stall humming along to “Holy Spirit”, I heard the stall next to me quickly flush and the gentleman rapidly exit.
The Sea of Forgetfulness. Partaking in Christ’s body and blood. Dying to yourself. The mark of the beast. Getting caught up in the air.
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs explains how men and women can end a disagreement gracefully, and find common ground through mutual respect.
It occurred to me that a slight shift of perspective had altered my entire interpretation of my environment: sitting in a corner I’d only ever looked in to.
The data is becoming increasingly clear: open-plan offices aren’t really working. Here are 5 keys to focusing in even the most distracting open-plan space.
At one of the most joyous times of her life, five time world record holder Libby Trickett experienced significant depression.
Childlessness isn’t just a ‘female’ thing. It cuts a man up too. I and other men know. We’ve felt each cut.
Without a doubt, we can make a case based on scripture that trials and troubles will come upon us in life. And grief is okay.
Why it is important to have ongoing mentors in your life, as well as being a mentor to someone who can use what you have.