Imbalance: How Religion Has Less Protection than Other Human Rights
The result of the marriage survey, with its consequent change to the law, has opened up the question of religious freedom in Australia.
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But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3821 entries already.
The result of the marriage survey, with its consequent change to the law, has opened up the question of religious freedom in Australia.
I’d never heard of this ‘Way of St James’ when Mum asked me to walk its final 100k’s, but by the end of our 7 days I knew it personally.
Do you ever wonder if He hears or answers our prayers? If you’re asking God for big things, wondering if he’s heard your cry, look at what you’re learning.
Mint and chocolate just go together. These yummy chocolate squares are perfect for summer, no baking and delicious eaten cold straight from the fridge.
More than ever, teen girls and young women face an onslaught of media and advertising that sells a certain beauty standard. Its time to “unplug”.
Think they are? Well if we deal with the problems that are noisiest and right in front of us, we might actually miss the important ones.
This story – perhaps one you haven’t heard – reminds us that even on our worst days, generosity has the power to open up our world.
With the next crop of school leavers about to flood into the ‘real world’, here are 5 truths they must be told (and may not have learned at school).
For some kids, this might be the first time they make adult decisions without you. Ensure they’ve got their head around these 5 attitudes before they go.
The head of a leading Christian media outlet has called on ‘No voters’ to accept Australia’s ‘Yes’ for same sex marriage, with good spirit and grace.