Signs in the Sky
Me: “God, is this a sign? Should I get a lotto ticket?”. Also Me: “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s literally a sign. It’s not a sign from God.”
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3819 entries already.
Me: “God, is this a sign? Should I get a lotto ticket?”. Also Me: “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s literally a sign. It’s not a sign from God.”
Katherine nearly died, but Jay remained by her side during the next two years of recovery. The dramatic story of a young couple who survived a stroke, kept their marriage strong, and now offer hope to others!
Mums portrayed in the movies seem to get some of the most loving and profound lines… these are just a few of our favourite movie mum quotes.
It’s very likely that some of the items in your next bag of shopping, will have been made by people who are poorly paid, unfairly treated, even enslaved. Thankfully, more than 400 brands are now getting their Ethical Fashion tick of approval.
If parents want their children to become mature adults they need to let them embrace life, make decisions and face the consequences of those decisions.
The popular idea that if you’re a scientist then you must by definition be an atheist, is wrong. Science doesn’t necessarily lead to atheism.
We’ve been sold the notion that hero equals undefeatable saviour. In our comic book icons we see the kind of people we aspire to be; but when they don’t always win or make poor judgement calls, it brings us down.
Having a baby is totally AMAZING but let’s be honest for a second – it can be kinda scary, mega hectic and ridiculously lovely all meshed into one. There’s so much the books don’t cover and your friends forget to tell you.
A no-fuss delicious and moist strawberry shortcake that’s perfect for afternoon tea or as a dessert!
Every day around the world six billion cups of tea are drunk. But it’s who we share our tea with that makes it meaningful.