Did Jesus Really Exist?
Did you know that most ancient history professionals in the field are confident that Jesus of Nazareth existed, just like Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar?
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Did you know that most ancient history professionals in the field are confident that Jesus of Nazareth existed, just like Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar?
Any experienced surfer knows how important it is to keep one eye fixed on the horizon. While a wave is still forming a long way off, that is the time to start paddling, to get into position and get ready. Leave it too long or fail to move at all, and you’ll be wiped out as the wave crashes you.
True gentleness is powerful – the kind of power that is respectful yet free to disagree. It does not return an insult for an insult but speaks the truth even if it’s unpleasant.
I feel like we are in an ongoing state of perpetual cancellations. What is this phenomenon that allows us to be so careless with our commitments? We need to be better guardians of our time and place value on the people we commit to.
Instead of toughening our children up, let’s develop that sensitivity and find ways to support their resiliency at the same time. It is possible to be sensitive and resilient.
A battle with cancer, an encounter with God, dramatic weight loss, and grappling with his purpose on the earth—Stan Walker has faced it all in the last couple of years.
Ronald Henderson famously chaired a Commission of Inquiry into Poverty in the early 1970’s. Following the release of the Commission’s reports, the ‘Henderson Poverty Line’ became the standard used by researchers to gauge progress in the community.
He knows you, he’s familiar with you—he knows your complete personality. He knows your emotional triggers, behavioral patterns, your bad habits and comfort zones. He can unravel the intricate workings of your heart when you remain confused.
How do we deal with the legacy of Christianity in our nation when not everyone believes its ideals reflect the country we’re becoming?
My recipe of cashew chicken is an economical and tasty meal that’s nutritious and will suit the whole family!