‘The Lion King’ A Faithful Retelling – But a Little More Scary For Kids!
Returning to cinemas 25 years after the original, a re-imagined Lion King was always going to be a risky undertaking for director Jon Favreau.
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But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3817 entries already.
Returning to cinemas 25 years after the original, a re-imagined Lion King was always going to be a risky undertaking for director Jon Favreau.
Independent Member for Sydney Alex Greenwich introduced the reform bill last week to remove abortion from the NSW Crimes Act.
Having laid it all on the line with the Avengers, Peter just wants to be a typical teenager for a while and see the Eifel tower with his crush MJ.
“You hate to see it” expresses a combination of criticism, schadenfreude, and dismay. But mostly it’s a lazy way of expressing faux sympathy.
Across the city evangelists visited prisons, schools, and hospitals, receiving more than 5500 decision cards from people who wanted to follow Jesus.
Speaking from his experience as a Bioethicist and Theologian, the Archbishop shares his views on NSW’s new Bill allowing abortion up until birth.
It’s a lesser-known fact that Buzz was also a man of Christian faith, an elder and that he led the world in a moment of thanks during the Moon mission.
Telling your friends their teen daughter is making unwise, unhealthy, unsafe decisions – and probably lying to them – is awkward.
Some embrace the single life with joy, others don’t. Society and church can send mixed messages about it. It’s time to rethink our attitude to singleness.
Help is not always about cuddling your grandchild. But it could be doing some chores to keep the family home running with a newborn in the house.