‘The Keeper’ a Moving Tale of Prejudice and Forgiveness [Movie Review]
It’s the true story of Bert Trautmann, a German WWII paratrooper captured as a Prisoner of War, and ended up playing soccer for Manchester United.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3817 entries already.
It’s the true story of Bert Trautmann, a German WWII paratrooper captured as a Prisoner of War, and ended up playing soccer for Manchester United.
How did I get here? Is it the path I’ve chosen, or is my path being shaped by circumstances or someone else’s expectations?
Society tells us that pigs don’t herd sheep, boys don’t dance, girls don’t play soccer or roller derby. But the heroes in the movies bravely defy society.
New ACCTV documentary series I See You introduces Lyn Wake, a passionate supporter and CBM ambassador as she travels to the remote parts of Nepal.
Joel would ride his bike full tilt along the balcony, then execute a perfect skid. His mission? Get as close to the edge as possible. He was fearless.
Average commuting times per day since this decade began has increased from 40 minutes to 48 minutes, an increased commute time of 20%.
I was informed that there could be an abnormality in the foetus and that I should consider an abortion. I had to hold my ground against pressure from Drs.
I tried the spin class and almost died. The lady on the bike next to me was also there for the first time. When we did the standing ride, I almost fell off.
Unforgiveness stops us from hearing God’s voice almost more than any other area. When we bear unforgiveness in our heart, we can’t get through to God.
My story, and the stories of some of the beautiful people and families I met, have been captured in a new three part documentary called ‘I See You’.