Navigating Your Teen’s Quest For Independence
The teen years are a time of doing things for themselves and by themselves, figuring themselves out, and experiencing life like never before.
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But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3817 entries already.
The teen years are a time of doing things for themselves and by themselves, figuring themselves out, and experiencing life like never before.
It has been a growing popular conversation over the last decade. Driverless cars – one of the sure symbols that the future has arrived.
If you’ve ever been caught in the modern malady of overwork and hyper-productivity, you’re not alone. And this conversation is for you.
Australia is a nation of sports lovers. Four in five (80%) Australians agree that sport is a significant part of Australian culture.
Over 200,000 Australian children and teenagers are anticipated to skip school today, to join in “School Strike 4 Climate” protest rallies across the nation.
And to those who have no might He increases strength. The young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength.
A young indigenous Aussie singing in his native language, is winning the nation’s heart with a golden run on Australia’s Got Talent.
As a result of his wartime experiences, Dad had a thing about speed, machines and death. And he over-compensated in a lovely kind of way.
The shocking true story that turned one woman from a staunch abortion advocate, into a pro-life campaigner – fighting for the rights of the unborn.
In recent weeks, to surprisingly little fanfare, the Morrison Federal Government has announced a new Children’s Mental Health Strategy.