‘Self-Care is Vital in the Unrelenting News Cycle’
It’s important to switch off the news at times – but how do the reporters bringing us the news care for themselves through the rolling stream of overwhelm?
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3819 entries already.
It’s important to switch off the news at times – but how do the reporters bringing us the news care for themselves through the rolling stream of overwhelm?
Helen tells her story of being Mum to seven creative children, including Grammy Award winning artists Rebecca St James and for KING & COUNTRY.
20th century style learning, including memorising, cramming, and silently listening to teachers lecturing, has had its day, writes futurist Michael McQueen.
With the coming of Jesus, every part of the worship package has been completed by a priest who never had to offer a sacrifice for his own sins.
Tips and tricks from Andrew Legge of Servant IT on how to be more online and phone call savvy when it comes to avoiding scammers.
Our society tells us that our worth is based on jobs, relationships, or material ‘stuff’ you have. Christianity takes a very different view.
The first movers of the Metaverse just might be Generation Alpha – the most technologically integrated generation of our lifetime.
Parties give teens an opportunity for socialising – but I’m often asked, “How much influence do parents have on teens, parties and alcohol consumption?”
After steady growth in recent years, the vinyl record has finally surpassed the CD in physical sales, but digital still dominates sales figures.
Removing friction and pain points for customers should be at the top of the list of a business’s priorities.