8 Glasses of Water… A Myth
By: Sam Chan, God in 60 Seconds
Did you know it’s a myth that we have to drink 8 glasses of water a day?
Unless you’re super sweaty from heat, exercise or because you are, well um, super sweaty! – you don’t need 8 glasses of water a day. We just need to drink, what we need. But not 8 glasses of water.
Water is good.
But it has no special properties.
So 8x nothing special does, well um, nothing special.
We can’t game the system by drinking 8 glasses a day, when we’re simply going to, well um, pee it all out again.
Maybe that’s why Jesus says, “Whoever drinks this water will simply thirst again.”
Jesus offers us instead what he calls Living Water.
Living Water that gives us what Jesus calls Eternal Life. A full life. A filled life.
A fulfilled life. Give me 8 glasses of that per day. But we only need 1 serving.
Because Jesus really is enough. We will never thirst again.
Listen to this episode of God in 60 Seconds.
Article supplied with thanks to City Bible Forum.
About the Author: Sam is a theologian, preacher, author, evangelist, ethicist, cultural analyst and medical doctor.