The Best Indoor Plants
By: Neri Morris
I recently became a mother. Of plants. I have about 14 plants and a few I’m propagating. When I moved into my current place a few months ago, I went plant crazy because I was finally living somewhere that had enough light for them to thrive.
I’ve quickly up-skilled myself in parenting my plant children thanks to my dear, dear friend Claire who started me on the path of the crazy plant life (you think I’m bad, you should see her place!). I have to say, plants really do change the vibe of a space, so if you don’t have a plant baby yet, check out the list below, you might just find the perfect plant to love. 😂 #crazyplantlady
This baby I grew from a cutting that had half a leaf on it. So to see it thriving like this makes me so happy. They are very durable, easy to care for and handle direct sunlight. Definitely worth picking on up.
The Rubber Plant
This little guy is a great indoor plant. Super tough, they grow pretty quickly which means you won’t have to wait long to enjoy its gorgeous glossy leaves. My suggestion is to not put it near a lit candle or you’ll burn it’s leaves like I did. 🤦🏼♀️ Keep looking, you’ll find the leaf.
Maiden’s Hair Fern
These pretty little things don’t like direct sunlight and luuurve wet feet, so keep them hydrated and away from the sun rays and you’ll have pretty petite leaves to enjoy.
The Swiss Cheese Plant
Yep, he ain’t looking so great but that’s because I’m loving him back to life. Kind of like an abandoned dog. I wanted one of these for so long and Claire found this guy abandoned at her work. I love how delicate they look when full of leaves and life. Not a fan of direct sunlight and easy on the water.
Fiddle Leaf
The name is hilarious but the plant is gorgeous. These guys can get really tall and full of foliage. They need a bit of sun but direct sunlight will burn their leaves (learnt that the hard way). Definitely worth the investment.
I Actually Don’t Know
I found this guy at my parents place and thought I could tame his wild ways. Turns out I was wrong. He’s a succulent of some sort but no matter the amount of sun I give him he just isn’t happy. I’m thinking of sneaking down to the communal garden and popping him back into the wild…
Another Unknown
Picked this little guy up at Aldi because, well, he was $3. Bargain. Pretty similar to the Maiden’s Hair. Likes water and no direct sunlight. That’s all I know. If you know what he is, hit me up!
The Devil’s Ivy Plant
This one is my pride and joy and what triggered my obsession with indoor plants. Great for places with not a lot of sunlight and for people who might forget to water it.
The other week a branch came off in my hands (😲) so I quickly trimmed up the leaves and popped them in water. They started to grow roots and I’ve since been able to give 2 of these babies away and have 3 more in pots around my apartment. (😍)
This was the first plant Claire gave me so it’s an important one.
The Fern
Not sure what type of fern this guy is as I foraged a little cutting of him. But I love how new life is sprouting!
He loves water and lots of sunlight.
The Never Never Plant
How cool is that name! This cutie had me at the beautiful striped leaves. Do not put it in direct sunlight or the leaves will curl – he’s very vocal when he is not happy. Water fairly regularly and make sure there is good drainage.
Chain of Hearts
This pretty little thing is also from my Mum’s garden. She’s makes my bathroom look pretty. Water her consistently in summer but make sure she doesn’t permanently have wet feet. She loves indirect sunlight.
My Window Nursery
These are some Swiss Cheese cuttings that I’m hoping to propagate. This is what I love about owning plants, cuttings like this make gift giving super easy. Just have a few spare, clean jars around the place and a bag of potting mix. If you continuously propagate different varieties then you have an endless supply of last minute gifts!
Article supplied with thanks to Neri Morris.
About the Author: Neri is an author, speaker and entrepreneur who enjoys exploring the mess created when faith and life collide. Her latest book “Single Me: Learning to Love The Unwanted Path of Singleness” is due out in 2020. Download a free sample chapter here.”