Tag Archive for: technology

The Future is Arriving Ahead of Schedule, Thanks to COVID

By: Michael McQueen

Whatever the circumstance, one thing we can be sure of is that the future is coming. No matter the success of the standards and systems of the past, disruption is inevitable. Read more

Why Are Digital Natives Finding Online Work So Unnatural?

By: Michael McQueen

Working from home has certainly been far from bliss for many of us. Attempting to do our office work within the clutter and distraction of home, navigating complex online modes of engagement and doing so within the stress of such an uncertain time has made this new work form challenging. Read more

The Future of Work and the Skills Needed

By: McCrindle

The future of work is defined by more than just technological change. It is also impacted by sociological change. Read more

How Automation Might Save Your Career

By: Michael McQueen

Automation is a word that often strikes fear into workers who cannot help but feel threatened by its emergence in the modern world. Most of what we hear about automation surrounds the ways it will take our jobs and force the everyday worker into irrelevance. Read more

Imagine An Online Revival

By: yesHeis

‘Not connected’ — does that phrase cause certain tension or anxiety to rise within you? It is a simple message with significant repercussions: communication ceases, information remains static, and FOMO begins to set in!
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How Automation Will Serve Us Well

By: Michael McQueen

Imagine a world where you enter a retail store and are instantly identified by your mobile phone. Your preferences, credit card details and buying history are immediately recognised along with your identity and from that moment on, the entire in-store experience is customised to your needs and desires.

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Emerging Generation’s Recommended Screen-Time – It’s Less Than You Think

By: McCrindle

It is hard to refute the statement that we are now living in the great screenage.  Screen-based devices are now a regular part of our day to day lives and have a monumental impact on the emerging generations.
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Why You Should Worry Less About AI

By: Michael McQueen

For many of us, the very mention of Artificial Intelligence conjures up futuristic notions of SkyNet and cunning malevolent robots rising to destroy humankind in the Terminator film series.

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Has Cyberbullying Affected You? Expert Advice for Teens and Parents

By: Clare Bruce

More than half of all Australia’s young people have experienced cyberbullying – that’s bullying using the web, smartphones or social media – and parents are being urged to become more aware. Read more

Are There Practical Ways To Share Jesus Online?

By: Reuben Skewes

With the world population at 7.5 billion people, and those that identify as Christian at 2.4 billion, there is still much to be done. Thankfully, the opportunities to share Jesus are endless! Especially online! Read more