Tag Archive for: tania harris

Our Knowable God – And the Unknowable, Hard-To-Please Gods of Ancient Times

By: Tania Harris

In 2019, in a coastal area of northern Peru, archaeologists discovered the largest child burial site ever found. Lying beneath a lonely plot of desert sands were the skeletons of 227 children between the ages of 4 and 14. Read more

Both Met Their Future Spouses In a Dream. One Got Married, One Didn’t…

By: Tania Harris

Richard and Cecilia met their future spouses in a dream. One got married, the other didn’t. What is going on? Read more

The Meaning of Cars and Other Vehicles in Dreams

By: Tania Harris

Have you ever had a dream of a car, bus, bike or a train? Vehicles appear frequently in our dreams, but what do they mean? Read more

How to Do Friendship With the Opposite Sex – God Conversations

By: Tania Harris

Back in the first century, it wasn’t normal for men and women to be friends. They didn’t meet for coffee in morning tea breaks or discuss current affairs over the water-cooler. They didn’t sit next to each other in the synagogues and swap ideas about their theology. They certainly didn’t discuss their spiritual lives by the village well.

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Hearing God’s Voice Doesn’t Work With a Microwave Mentality

By: Tania Harris

Learning to hear God’s voice takes time. Our ability to recognise the voice of the Spirit improves with experience and practice. Read more

Why do Christians act so un-Christian?

By: Tania Harris

My flat-mate and I were watching church online when the preacher reached his main point with gusto, “God makes you into a new person!” At the words, my flat-mate yelled back to the screen, “Yes, but how does that happen?” Read more

How Christians got to be the Most Judgmental People in Society (and What to Do About It)

By: Jenny Snook

I read a survey recently about how Christians are known to be the most judgmental people in society.1 What a tragic report card. How can a religion based on grace be known for judging others? Read more

God “Told” Him to Quit his Job and He went Bankrupt: Why You Need the Church to Hear God’s voice

By: Tania Harris | God Conversations

You don’t need to be in church to hear God’s voice. The beauty of the new Covenant is that the Spirit of God can speak to us wherever we go!

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If God Said it, Will it Always Happen?

By: Tania Harris

If you’ve ever heard God speak about your future, you’ve likely asked the question: If God said it, will it happen? The question inevitably comes when our circumstances reverse or nothing seems to be happening. Then the doubts begin to surface. Read more

Having Faith in God Does Not Mean Leaving Your Brains at the Door

By: Tania Harris

Christians can have a reputation for being simple-minded. People could be forgiven for accusing those of us who believe in a virgin birth and a resurrection for being ignorant about what really goes on in the world. Read more