Tag Archive for: stephen mcalpine

Pascal’s Poo Test Wager

By: Stephen McAlpine

Okay, that’s click bait right there. But finally, two years after I turned fifty, two years after receiving (and losing) my first poo test, I submitted to the Government’s demands for two samples, and dutifully mailed it off to their labs.

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ChatGPT: What No A-I Hath Seen

By: Stephen McAlpine

The UK TV series HUMANS (the A” is upside down) from a few years ago was a cracking insight into the world of AI, in a near future UK setting. Read more

My Friends’ Dads Are Dying. So What Are We Learning From It?

By: Stephen McAlpine

It’s six years ago today since I conducted my father’s funeral. A bittersweet experience to be sure.

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‘Video’ Discipleship In a ‘Digital’ Age – Why The Church Needs to Catch Up

By: Stephen McAlpine

Tim Keller once posited a question along these lines: Why is it that so many young church-going people lose their faith within a term or so of going to college? Read more

You’re Not One of Those Evangelicals Are You?

By: Stephen McAlpine

I’d just settled into the plane for the five hour flight back home across this great brown land called Australia, and I was tired. 

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Hey Christian, Don’t ‘Quiet Quit’ Your Faith

By: Stephen McAlpine

Hey Christian, are you in danger of quiet quitting your faith?  You know what quiet quitting is, don’t you? Read more

John and Amy’s Kitchen Table – And What it Says About Worship

By: Stephen McAlpine

It was one of those serendipitous moments. There, advertised on the Facebook page of a friend from my old days at Fremantle Assemblies of God church in the mid 1980s, was the kitchen table and chair set we had been looking for. Read more

Are You One of the Quiet Quitters?

By: Stephen McAlpine

If TikTok says it’s a thing, it’s a thing. So the phenomenon known as “quiet quitting” is a thing. Read more