When Humans are Cloned One Day, How Should Christians Respond?
By: Clare Bruce
Imagine a world where humans are cloned, and babies are tailor-made to fulfil specific roles in society. Read more
By: Clare Bruce
Imagine a world where humans are cloned, and babies are tailor-made to fulfil specific roles in society. Read more
By: Anne Rinaudo
Ronald Henderson famously chaired a Commission of Inquiry into Poverty in the early 1970’s.
In his report, Henderson sought to identify the extent of poverty in Australia in terms of inadequate income relative to need. Read more
By: Anne Rinaudo
China’s government last week issued a ban on internet sales of the Bible. Beijing also issued its first white paper on religious freedom in 21 years. There is a long-standing rule that the Bible cannot be sold publicly or on the internet in China but oversight of this rule has been allowed to slide over the years. Read more
By: Anne Rinaudo
The black American experience of slavery is a key factor in the development of popular music. African slaves in America’s southern states were subject to incalculable injustice and oppression. However, that shameful period in history was the source of many music genres. Read more
By: Anne Rinaudo
Discussion of crime and punishment inevitably gets heated. Some people want to take a hard line ‘prison is for punishment’ approach while others see merit in addressing the social circumstances and personal difficulties that got people behind bars. Read more
Papua New Guinea ranks among the world’s most disadvantaged nations when it comes to access to clean water. Read more
The latest funding disclosures by political parties show gambling industry donations of more than $1.5m in 2016-2017. However Tim Costello, Director of The Alliance for Gambling Reform, says that represents only the donations required to be disclosed. He says the true figure is much bigger. Read more
By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House
A Brigidine Nun from Canberra has expressed serious concern for the health and welbeing of 600 refugees and asylum seekers who, after 4 years on Manus Island, seem no closer to any hope of resettlement than when they were first sent there. Read more
By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House
The result of the marriage survey, with its consequent change to the law, has opened up the question of religious freedom in Australia. Read more
By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House
World Vision’s Tim Costello has visited many of the world’s most critical humanitarian disasters.
Yet even he was unprepared for the refugee camps hastily constructed in Bangladesh for the Rohingya people fleeing from the continuing conflict in Myanmar. Read more