What Is Your Appetite For Failure?
By: Michael McQueen
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
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By: Michael McQueen
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
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By: Michael McQueen
Nothing turns a customer off more than friction. In fact, nothing turns an employee off more than friction either. If businesses are to remain indisruptible in the years to come, identifying friction is paramount, so here are 3 key questions to help you find it.
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By: Michael McQueen
Recent years have seen the discussion of the relevance of the current education system come to dominate public dialogue.
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By: Michael McQueen
Few things are discussed with more enthusiasm in the business world of our day than innovation and creativity. However, implementing innovation within organisations is a much more challenging task.
By: Michael McQueen
‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’ This old proverb has been renowned and repeated through the decades, declaring that it is impossible to retrain someone or something that is aged and set in its ways.
By: Michael McQueen
“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business.” – Henry Ford
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By: Michael McQueen
For many of us, the very mention of Artificial Intelligence conjures up futuristic notions of SkyNet and cunning malevolent robots rising to destroy humankind in the Terminator film series.
By: Michael McQueen
The fundamental goal of businesses is to make a profit. Statements like this have permeated business textbooks, dominated the strategic plans of companies and summarised the ethos of the corporate world essentially since it began.
By: Michael McQueen
It has been a growing popular conversation over the last decade. Driverless cars – one of the sure symbols that the future has arrived.
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