Tag Archive for: marriage

Marriage: 26 Years and One Day Later

By: Stephen McAlpine

Today I am fifty two years and two days old.

Today it is twenty six years and one day since Jill and I went on our first date.  That was one day after my twenty six birthday.

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The Importance of Preparing for Marriage, Not Just Your Wedding

By: Sabrina Peters

Most couples spend so much time planning for their wedding day, but very little time planning for their marriage. I know, because several years ago that young bride to be was me. Read more

Why I Waited for the Wedding Night – the Truth about Abstinence

By: Sabrina Peters

When I was a teenager I kissed a lot of guys. My high school years were riddled with multiple short-lived romances. In grade 10 I entered a relationship with a guy that lasted almost 3 years. I genuinely thought I was in love. Read more

Are You Falling Out of Love?

By: Glenn Lutjens

You remember the sleepless nights and the lightheadedness you experienced after seeing her big, beautiful smile light up a room. You recall when just the thought of him holding your hand caused shortness of breath and a queasy stomach. Read more

Do You Trust Me?

By: Dr. John Townsend

Vicky sat at the kitchen table, stunned and hurt. Her four-year-old marriage to Alex, on which she had pinned so many hopes and dreams, seemed false. She had just heard from a friend that Alex had been seen lunching with an old girlfriend. Read more

Healthy Individuals Make a Healthy Marriage

By: Jill Savage

Standing in the kitchen, I heard the text notification on my phone. When I read the message from my friend, my heart dropped. We had both walked through hard seasons in our marriages. Mine survived — it appeared from the message that hers would not. Tears formed, and I just wanted to cry. Read more

Maintaining Your Marriage During the Parenting Years

By: Arlene Pellicane

Date nights during the courtship years might have included bouquets of roses, candlelight dinners and strolls through the park. But date night looks quite different now that you have kids. These days, your “romantic evenings” may more often involve finding free food samples at the grocery store and then heading to the discount movie theatre. Read more

Love for the Long Haul

By: Mitch Temple

Note: Names have been changed

I’ll never forget the counselling session with Al and Olivia. They had been high school sweethearts and, now in their mid-50s, had been married almost 35 years. Al was about to retire after 25 years at a paper mill. Olivia was a registered nurse. They had three grown children and six grandchildren. Read more

Recognising Casual Disrespect in Your Relationship

By: Focus On The Family

Note: This article has been written from the perspective of women in the context of marriage, but applies to both men and women in friendships and dating included!

Showing disrespect has become a modern marriage pastime. We laugh as our favourite on-screen wives make fools out of their husbands, and before long we’re talking like these leading ladies. Read more

Her Marriage Struggled Off-Screen, Too: Sarah Drew, Star of ‘Indivisible’ & Grey’s Anatomy

By: Laura Bennett

One of the best things about movies is when they hit close to home, and you feel like they’re written just for you. For Grey’s Anatomy star Sarah Drew, it was her own marriage struggle that made her sign on to her new movie, Indivisible. Read more