Tag Archive for: lorrene mcclymont

Why Am I So Tired

By: Lorrene McClymont

Do you ever sleep a full eight hours and wake up tired, only to repeat the cycle the next night, and the next, and wonder what on earth is going on?

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Counting my Blessings, Or, How to be Thankful

By: Lorrene McClymont

I woke up this morning with a song stuck in my head. More accurately I woke up with a couple of lines of the song running over and over in my head on repeat like a toddler asking why. Read more

New Year, Old Me – Can Anyone Relate?

By: Lorrene McClymont

You close your eyes on December 31st and wake up on January 1st and it’s the ultimate reset. Read more

How Did I Get Here?

By: 1079Life

My recent  article was about that feeling of “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” Coming in a close second behind that experience has to be, “How did I get here?” Read more

It Wasn’t Meant To Be Like This… Or Was It?

By: Lorrene McClymont

I was standing in the middle of my parent’s garage, on top of our upside-down dining room table, surveying my entire life packed in around me. Read more

Practise Being Still

By: Lorrene McClymont

There is a well know verse in Psalm 46: “Be still and know that I am God”. Not for the first time, thinking about it has led me down a rabbit hole. Read more

Empty Nesters, New Beginnings – Tips for Your New-Look Relationship

By: Lorrene McClymont

My husband and I recently became empty-nesters. Our daughter’s wedding was in April. It’s a strange new reality for us, organising a life that was previously built around family and adult children at home, into a completely different scenario. Read more

Comparison Steals

By: Lorrene McClymont

Comparison is the fastest destroyer of calling, joy, and peace. When you compare your life, journey, talent, gifting, or calling to someone else’s, you will always find yourself lacking. Read more

How to Do the Things…….. From a Champion Procrastinator

By: Lorrene McClymont

I am a champion procrastinator. I know what I need to do to get things done, but then it all piles up and I feel completely overwhelmed, worry that it won’t be perfect, and consequently do none of the things. I have put together a few tips that have really helped me start to move instead of being frozen. Read more

Grab Your Confidence

By: Lorrene McClymont

Confidence is a funny thing…..when we have it we can conquer the world, when we don’t have it we approach things differently, we are intimidated and scared to step out into new things. Read more