Tag Archive for: listening

The Art of Deep Listening, and Deep Seeing

By: Brian Harris

One fun thing about being part of a podcast is that it is only very loosely scripted and you find yourself saying things you don’t expect. Read more

The Power of Just Listening

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

There is a power in listening. Listening is how the healing of broken souls commences. There can be more power in silence than in words. Read more

From Mindfulness to Watchfulness

By: Brian Harris

I usually enjoy excellent health but some months back succumbed to a minor ailment which required me to be on medication for 10 days. Read more

I Tried To Give A Homeless Man A Sandwich

By: Neri Morris

So one day, I tried to give a homeless man a sandwich…

It all started with my morning coffee. I was sitting and sipping the morning away, when the homeless man who lives on the steps of the church I work near, popped into my mind.

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How Do I Share My Faith with Someone Who Is Rude?

By: Tara Brown

So you finally worked up the courage to share your faith with a group of friends, and BOOM — there was that one friend who decided to be rude… Read more

really listen to your child

7 Ways to Really Listen so Your Child Shares More

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Dear Dr Justin,

My husband and my 9 year-old son are constantly fighting. It’s little niggles here and there. But it is non stop. They are constantly talking past each other and he (my husband) has started getting really angry. How can we make things better between them? Read more


The God Conversations of Christmas: What If Joseph Had Dismissed His Dream as Just the Spicy Pizza?”

By: Tania Harris | God Conversations

Have you noticed that God does a lot of talking at Christmas time? The first God-conversation with Mary was the one that started it all (Luke 1:26-33).

But then God spoke a second time – to Joseph (Matthew 1:18-21), then a third time to the wise men (Matthew 2:12) and a fourth (Matthew 2:19-21) and fifth time to Joseph (Matthew 2:22). He also spoke to Elizabeth, Anna and Simeon. God speaks repeatedly throughout the Christmas story. Read more