Tag Archive for: lifestyle

Optical Illusions: Why They Work

Author: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House.

Can you trust what you see? Sometimes our eyes play tricks on us — or at least that’s what it seems.

What is actually happening when we are caught out by optical illusions gives a real insight (sorry) into how our brain works.

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Salt – Is it Good or Bad?

Salt has been used to flavour and preserve food for pretty much as long as humans have been on this earth. Before salt became readily available it was as valuable as gold and used as a form of currency. Read more

Discouragement: What to Do When You’re Feeling Low

Author: John McGee | Focus On The Family.

When you attempt anything significant, you will face times of discouragement. It always comes with the territory. Read more

Vegetable and Bacon Slice Recipe

Author: Susan Joy | The Joyful Table.

Serves: 6 | Prep Time: 00:25 | Cooking Time: 00:50

A perfectly balanced meal that’s not just a delicious lunch packed full of vegetables, but also a great choice for breakfast or dinner. Read more

Apple and Blueberry Loaf Recipe

Author: Susan Joy | The Joyful Table.

Serves: 1 loaf | Prep Time: 00:20 | Cooking Time: 01:00

A deliciously healthy loaf that’s sweetened with only apples, blueberries and a few dates. Adding cinnamon and ginger reduces the amount of sweetener needed. Read more

Apple and Cinnamon Porridge Recipe

Author: Susan Joy | The Joyful Table.

Serves: 1 | Prep Time: 00:10 | Cooking Time: 00:02

This satisfying breakfast can be eaten warm on a cold morning or at room temperature, both ways are delicious. The apple gives a fresh taste and lighter texture to this paleo porridge. Top with coconut yoghurt and nuts or leave it plain, either way it’s so yummy.

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How To Make Delicious Dairy-Free 'Milk'

A dairy-free milk is just nuts, seed or coconut blended with filtered water and a pinch of sea salt and if you prefer it a little sweeter, add 1 or 2 teaspoons honey or 1 – 2 dates, or maybe a dash of vanilla extract. Read more