Tag Archive for: laura bennett

Spielberg’s New Film 'The Post' and the Media’s Struggle to Tell the Truth

By: Laura Bennett

In an era of ‘fake news’ and questionable Facebook feeds, Stephen Spielberg’s political thriller The Post is already making waves in government circles, this week being banned in Lebanon and having its historical accuracy challenged. Read more


10 Reasons You Know You Grew up in a Pentecostal Church

By: Laura Bennett

If any of these sound accurate, you probably grew up in a Pentecostal Church. Read more

The Whisper, the Way, the Jesus

By: Laura Bennett

I’d never heard of this ‘Way of St James’ when Mum asked me to walk its final 100k’s (an undersell if ever there was one), but by the end of our 7 days I knew it personally. Read more


Is God Answering My Prayers?

By: Laura Bennett

Fundamental to our relationship with God, is prayer: a shared conversation between He and us, where we tell Him our desires (read: vent) and He listens, responding with comfort, revelation, and sometimes it seems – silence.

Prayer is a connection to the divine, and a universal way to request help, or offer thanks to ‘the Big Guy’. Read more

pear shaped

Attack of the Pear

By: Laura Bennett

Pear /pɛː/ noun A green, spotty, funny-shaped fruit that doesn’t taste good unless combined with walnuts and balsamic vinegar.

Pear-shaped / adjective Lumpy, bottom-heavy, kinda weird, not ideal.

Sometimes life goes truly pear-shaped. Read more

jon foreman

Jon Foreman: Why I Refuse to Hate the Haters

By: Laura Bennett

In the wake of tragedy and political upheaval, we often find ourselves leaning towards celebrities for words of comfort, for rally cries and condolences.

Social media makes it easier than ever for the artist, the actor, or the musician to reach out to their fans – conversely, it almost insists a sort of responsibility to the celebrity. Read more


Why Your Room Needs a New Red Chair

By: Laura Bennett

PERSPECTIVE: “a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.” Read more