You're Doing so Much Better than You Think You Are
By: Jennie Scott
If one of the spiritual gifts is having a pity party, then the Holy Spirit blessed me immensely.
But for real. Read more
By: Jennie Scott
If one of the spiritual gifts is having a pity party, then the Holy Spirit blessed me immensely.
But for real. Read more
By: Jennie Scott
Humans are, by nature, goal-oriented. We are a people who plan for the future and work in the present for that unseen yet approaching reality.
This is, perhaps, why we love our weekends so much.
In our relationships, we know what we want and what we want to improve. Read more
By: Jennie Scott
I haven’t always been a runner, and I still don’t think of myself as an athlete. I was 26 years old (and 6 months postpartum) when I ran my first 5k, and I still find it hard to believe I’ve run two marathons. Read more
By: Jennie Scott
Goodness, I wanted to be like her.
I somehow started following her through Instagram, that wonderful and terrible social media app that lets us peer into the lives of people we don’t even know. She is a lifestyle and fitness guru, one of those people who is gorgeous and seems to turn everything she touches to gold. Read more