Tag Archive for: freedom for faith

freedom of religion

Freedom of Religion Affects More of Us than You Think

By: Steve McAlpine | Freedom for Faith

Last year’s census in Australia (remember all the hoo-hah?) contained for the first time the option of ticking “no religion”. And plenty of us did. The statistics show that one third of the nation ticked that particular box. The number will surely rise at the next census. Read more

Predictable Individualism?

By: Freedom for Faith

Michael Moore, the US film director neatly puts the argument that gay marriage does not concern anyone but the couple involved:

“If you are against gay marriage, don’t get gay married. You won’t like it. It’s not for you. But live and let live.”

It’s a position we are hearing a lot regarding the postal survey – ‘This is just about whether two individuals should be allowed to marry.’ Read more


Share Your Voice

By: Freedom for Faith

Labour Party councillor Chika Amadi, a member on the United Kingdom’s Harrow Council, says changes in the law regarding same-sex marriage have stripped her of her right to free speech. Read more

A Human Right or a Privilege?

By: Freedom for Faith

Tom Wappel, a retired Canadian parliamentarian, says he is particularly concerned about how the same-sex marriage has morphed from a call for tolerance of different positions to a forced acceptance of one position. Read more

same sex marriage

Charter Freedoms

By: Freedom for Faith

“Certainly there’s been an impact and an effect on what you can say,” says Canadian civil rights lawyer Albertos Polizogopoulos. Read more

ssm barbarism

Smooth Sailing Ahead…?

By: Freedom for Faith

British barrister Paul Diamond says there is no doubt that a change in the definition of marriage has resulted in significant consequences in his country towards those who hold more traditional viewpoints. Read more

same sex marriage

Can Equality Trump Freedom?

By: Freedom for Faith

You would think that a cornerstone of equality would be the right to freedom of religion, belief and expression.

However, Prof. Barry Bussey says in Canada, the argument for equality is actually being used to undermine those core beliefs for students at Trinity Western University (TWU). Read more


We Don’t Have to Speculate: Both Sides Agree on Profound Impacts

By: Freedom for Faith

“In Australia you’re going to have to be absolutely aware that your laws have to be crystal clear to protect freedom of conscience and diversity,” Professor Iain Benson says. Read more


How Free Should Australia Be?

By: Freedom for Faith

“I wish I could kick you in the f**king face. That would be so satisfying.” Such is the current quality of debate on the plebiscite trail. And it proves that really, the crisis is almost nothing to do with marriage. It’s to do with our freedoms. The freedom to meet, to speak, to listen. Read more


We Don't Have to Speculate: Warnings from Canada

By: Freedom for Faith

“In Australia you’re going to have to be absolutely aware that your laws have to be crystal clear to protect freedom of conscience and diversity,” Professor Iain Benson says. Read more