Tag Archive for: faith

Who is this Man?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Have you ever asked yourself the question of who Jesus really was? You’re not the first person to think about that, and you’re certainly not the only one. Read more

SBS TV’s “Christians Like Us” an Extreme Experiment in Communal Christian Living

By: Clare Bruce

If a TV production company approached you, asking if you’d live in a house with nine other Jesus-believers for a week, with TV cameras following your every move, would you do it? Read more

The Founder of Cadbury Was a Social Activist

By: Annie Hamilton

If you’ve ever travelled to the Cadbury factory in Claremont, Tasmania – or to Bourneville in the UK, you may know a little of their remarkable history. Read more

Hailey Bieber Says “Fame Isn’t What You Think”, on Hillsong Channel’s New Season of ‘Now With Natalie’

Above: Natalie Manuel Lee, host of the upcoming new Hillsong Channel TV show ‘Now With Natalie’.

By: Laura Bennett

We spend a lot of time ogling celebrities, their lifestyles, their awards, and ‘who is doing what’. But it’s worth considering the realities of fame. Read more

Destiny’s Child Star, Michelle Williams: Defeating Darkness with God’s Word

By: Clare Bruce

Alongside Beyonce Knowles and Kelly Rowland, the stunning and talented Michelle Williams was one-third of Destiny’s Child – one of the most successful pop groups in history. Read more

When You’re Not Sure It’s God, Is It Ok to Ask for a Sign?

By: Tania Harris

If this is you God, can you give me a sign that it’s really you talking to me?

Many of us have prayed that prayer. We’ve found ourselves at some sort of crossroads unsure of the next step and looking to the heavens for guidance. But is it okay to ask for a sign? Read more

How to Join Australia’s National Day of Prayer on March 2

By: Clare Bruce

There’s many ways to join the National Day of Prayer and Fasting this Saturday, March 2. Read more

What Lies Are You Believing About Yourself?

By: Sheridan Voysey

A troubled home life. Feelings of insecurity. A longing for love. Self-hatred. For Malcolm Duncan these feelings developed into a destructive morning mantra he would repeat in the mirror throughout his earliest years. Then one night he had a powerful experience… at a rock concert of all places… that changed everything. Read more

Caring for Africa in the 21st Century – It Rests on the Local Church

By: Laura Bennett

There was a time in Australian history where you could chat to a neighbour about their weekend plans, and a family visit to church and this month’s working bee would easily come up. Read more

Using Jesus to Change the Fate of the World’s Largest Nation

By: Laura Bennett

Over half the world’s population growth is expected to be in Africa between now and 2050. In the next few decades millions of people will build lives in countries marked by poverty, corruption and war. Read more