If Only You Knew
Other people often put barriers between you and Jesus that aren’t barriers at all. They can be moral barriers, gender barriers, ethnic barriers, religious barriers, time barriers: all kinds of barriers.
Other people often put barriers between you and Jesus that aren’t barriers at all. They can be moral barriers, gender barriers, ethnic barriers, religious barriers, time barriers: all kinds of barriers.
By: Steve Grace
“The Joy of the Lord is my strength, the joy of knowing Jesus… and deep down in my soul, I’m forgiven and free. His mercies are new every morning, His steadfast love will never cease. The joy of the Lord is my salvation… so beautiful to me.” — Steve Grace
By: Sam Chan
You Hate to See It. The phrase “You hate to see it” is now a thing. A meme. Its usage has skyrocketed in the last few months. The Google Trends graph (see above) is basically an upward vertically straight line. Read more
By: Neri Morris
Anything that distracts us from God, causing us to doubt and seek comfort elsewhere is sinful. So if loneliness comes from a place where you have taken your eyes off God, does that make it a sin?
It’s not easy to understand forgiveness, let alone accept it and give it to others ourselves. And if we struggle to grasp human forgiveness, how much more do we struggle to understand how God forgives, because God is not like us.
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By: yesHeis
Entertainer and social media influencer, Brian Liu, first experienced Jesus at age 12 while attending a conservative church in New York. Now based in Beijing, Brian works to influence his city not only through his career in the world of fashion and lifestyle but also with the positivity and joy he has found in Jesus.
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By: Neri Morris
This year began like many others. A review of the year that was and a look to what kind of year I wanted it to be. Coming into this year I realised within myself there was a sense of discontent with church.