What if Jesus Never Knew You?
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21, NIV).
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21, NIV).
I know a thing or two about the addiction cycle… I hope you’re not judging me already! Read more
Are you a last-minute person? Are you one of those people who think they work best under pressure? If so, then it’s possible that I have fallen for the great procrastination myth. Read more
Did you experience growing pains as a child? Or perhaps your children do? We always like to do easy things. Hard things scare us because they take effort. Effort stretches us, and as we stretch, we grow. The truth is that growth inevitably always hurts in one way or another. Read more
The people who wrote the Bible learnt the hard way how not to slip up in life. Read more
Too many of us, believers and unbelievers alike, go through life pretending to be God. Moses in the Bible is a great example of this. Read more
Here’s a reality check. You can’t love on your own. Any attempt to love on your own isn’t an expression of love but of its opposite: self-centredness. To love, you need community. As the saying goes, “It takes two to tango.” Read more
The chains of the past can be the hardest chains to break. Read more
This world is full of unfairness. Unfairness marks every life. No one can escape it. And how you handle unfairness can either make you or break you as a person of character and integrity. Read more
What to remember and what to forget? Your memory is a fascinating thing. Remembering what is bad in our lives comes easily to us, but remembering what is good often takes hard work! Read more