God Longs to Be Your Father Today
I don’t remember being in my parents’ arms because I was too little. However, I know that they carried me in their arms, because I have the photos to prove it. That was when I was a very tiny baby. Read more
I don’t remember being in my parents’ arms because I was too little. However, I know that they carried me in their arms, because I have the photos to prove it. That was when I was a very tiny baby. Read more
We were never meant to do life on our own and as God’s children, He promises his Spirit to help and to strengthen us. Here are some practical tips for how to keep your assurance and joy. Read more
A friend of mine often says that we need to live for a good funeral. None of us are going to avoid a funeral of some sort, and we get to decide how our funeral will be. I’ve been to funerals which have quite frankly been horrifically bleak, and I’ve been to funerals where a life of true worth has been remembered. Read more
While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Read more
When I was a teenager, together with a large number of young people from our church, I went on a long road trip up the coast of NSW and into Queensland in Australia. Read more
What is the true fruit of love? Is it your children? Is it happiness? Is it receiving from others? Well, actually, it isn’t. Read more
We live in a world where you are limited by your qualifications. That’s one of the reasons why your parents probably told you to finish school. Read more
One of the most important things we will need to learn in our everyday lives is how to navigate through uncertainty. Read more
People crave adventure. Most of them look for “fake” adventure through various forms of entertainment, whether it be sport, movies, or gaming. Unfortunately, however, when the screen gets turned off, people end up right back in their typically very unadventurous lives! Read more
David learnt about forgiveness. When David, the one who would become king of Israel was young, he thought he understood about forgiveness, but he didn’t. Like so many of us, David learnt about forgiveness by the things that he suffered. Read more