Tag Archive for: creativity

Creativity is Not for Everyone – You Should Create Anyway!

By: Lorrene McClymont

Have you ever thought to yourself, I’m just not creative? Over the years, I have had many people tell me they don’t have a creative bone in their body. Read more

Too Right Bluey, Creativity is Not a ‘Tool’

By: Pete Court

You’re at work, say, or in a meeting of some form, and someone decides on a brainstorming session. Read more

The Clearing

By: Neri Morris

Who doesn’t love a little creative writing? I haven’t written this way in a while so it came as a bit of a surprise when I sat down to process something that had resurfaced in my life and this is what flowed.  May its ambiguity and symbolism connect with your own story, those moments where something you thought was well and truly dead, resurfaces and you are paralysed by the loaded question of “one step forward or one step back?”


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Susie Youssef on Why TV Show ‘Making It Australia’ Will Inspire Creativity

By: Sam Robinson

Creativity and a sense of craftiness is key in the new feel-good show Making It Australia. Read more

Work was Given to Adam and Eve Before “The Fall” – How the Mundane Can Be Meaningful

By: Laura Bennett

Roughly one third of our lives is spent working. For some it’s more as overtime creeps in, and with the commute, “work” balloons out to this all-encompassing part of our day. Read more

Is There a Master Builder? How Lego Points to Something Bigger

By: Robert Martin

The award winning Channel 9 TV series Lego Masters has proved to be popular family viewing last month. Viewers have been awed at the creativity and ability of the contestants to turn the humble Lego brick into amazing creations. Read more

We Need a New Renaissance of Faith. These Three Commitments Can Help

By: Sheridan Voysey

Five hundred years ago the Renaissance brought an explosion of art, science, geographical discovery and religious ideas into the world. What would it take to see a new renaissance (rebirth) of wisdom, creativity, community and faith in this coming decade? Read more

Why Ground-Level Workers Are The Top-level Innovators

By: Michael McQueen

‘In my experience, innovation can only come from the bottom. Those closest to the problem are in the best position to solve it. Everyone must be able to experiment, learn, and iterate. Position, obedience and tradition should hold no power.’ [1] Read more

How Disney’s Teamwork Pushes Them Into the Unknown

By: Michael McQueen

Over my years of working in the business world around ideas of innovation and leadership, one lesson I have learned is that there is a lesson to be learned in most places. I must admit though, when I sat down to watch Frozen 2 with my son, I did not expect it to be one of these places. Read more

How To Crowdsource Creativity

By: Michael McQueen

“Innovation is not an idea problem. It’s a recognition problem.”

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