Rest Doesn’t Equal Being a Couch Potato
By: Susan Browning
So often we talk about “rest” and the importance of making room for it in our busy lives. Except for one thing, how do we actually rest? Read more
By: Susan Browning
So often we talk about “rest” and the importance of making room for it in our busy lives. Except for one thing, how do we actually rest? Read more
By: Laura Bennett
One of the best things about movies is when they hit close to home, and you feel like they’re written just for you. For Grey’s Anatomy star Sarah Drew, it was her own marriage struggle that made her sign on to her new movie, Indivisible. Read more
By: Amy Van Veen
Several times a week, our care and counselling department receives phone calls from parents whose child has just “come out” to them, either identifying as LGBT or revealing the fact that they are struggling with their attractions or sexuality. Read more
By: Akos Balogh
Christians are increasingly marginalised by a society growing suspicious of our views (especially our views on sexuality). In response, Christians should be ready to ‘lose well’, whenever we face such opposition. Read more
By: Ashleigh Slater
Having some differences with a potential spouse is inevitable. But which ones are red flags? Read more
By: Anne Rinaudo
Can Christian schools maintain their beliefs and approach the issue of gay students and teachers with compassion, tolerance and understanding? It is a hotly contested issue that has roared back on to front pages since a leak from the Ruddock Inquiry Into Religious Freedom. Read more
By: Danny Huerta
When life kicks you, it’s easy to become disoriented. Counselling is simply a way of pressing the “reset button.” Read more
It’s a regular dilemma for us: should we forgive or should we judge? But the Bible incredibly tells us that mercy always trumps judgment: Read more
“Hi Dr Justin
My son won’t talk when he comes home from school. I ask him how his day was and he just says, “Fine.” I ask him what he did and he says “Nothing”. I ask him who he spent time with and he shrugs or mentions a friend or two. That’s it. Why won’t he talk? Is he being bullied? How can I get him to open up? He’s 9 years old.” Read more
By: Anne Rinaudo
Dr Denis Alexander from Cambridge University, is a neuroscientist who believes passionately in both the biblical doctrine of creation and the coherence of evolutionary theory. He was recently in Australia to deliver the 2018 New College Lectures, “Genetics: God and the Future of Humanity”. This year marks the 25th year of the New College Lectures. Read more