Samantha – Designed By God
By: yesHeis
Samatha was a young girl when she was drawn to something very special her best friend had. She didn’t know what it was that she longed for until one day her life changed.
Growing up in a traditional Hindu family, Samatha followed the tenets of Hinduism. She worshiped the deities and followed all the rituals, but still longed for something deeper and more meaningful. It turns out she was longing for a real relationship with God. Her best friend who was a Christian shared Jesus with her.
“I was drawn to my friends faith, and the way she loved others. It was something I had never seen or experienced before and I wanted to have the same joy that she had. She was always so full of it !”
Samatha’s search in finding this true joy continued, until one day she ran into two strangers looking for a coffee shop. Little did she know that a random encounter with strangers would lead her to make a life changing decision. That day sitting at this coffee shop she heard the Gospel and of God’s love for her and gave her life to Jesus.
This was the start to her journey in her faith. Her family however would never approve of her going to church, but didn’t stop her from fellowshipping with other believers.
“God knows exactly what you need. I found a house church in the same apartment that I lived in. I was unable to go to church so God got the church to me! I grew in God’s word and learnt to depend on the Holy Spirit for wisdom. We now have a small group ‘Harvesters’ where we learn how to be a true disciple and make disciples for Jesus.There are so many people around us who need to hear what Jesus has done for us and we have to be intentional about it, just the way someone was intentional about sharing it with me.”
Today a designer by profession Samatha has travelled the world and meets people from different cultures. She trusts the holy spirit to lead her everyday to share her faith no matter where she is. Whether it is with the salesman who sells her fabrics, or the women who work in her boutique. She’s always ready when there’s an opportunity for her to tell her story and share Jesus with the people in her world.
Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis.
About the Author: yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.