Tackling the ‘Momo’ Challenge – Advice from a Mum and a Psychologist

By: Clare Bruce

For kids and teens who spend a lot of time on social media and Youtube (and that’s most of them!), every year seems to bring new threats to their safety and wellbeing – from cyber-bullying to dangerous ‘challenge’ fads. Read more

Top 6 Trends for 2019

By: McCrindle

Seismic shifts in Australia’s demographics this year will mean that Generations Y and beyond (Australians born since 1980) will become the largest proportion of the population, our regional cities will emerge as lifestyle cities and our cultural diversity and generational change will, in an election year, reshape the national conversation and shake-up the traditional Australian self-image. Read more

2018 in Review: Top Trends of the Year

By: McCrindle

2018 was a big year. It brought with it everything from the Royal Wedding to the Thai cave rescue. As 2018 comes to a close, we look back at some of the top trends of 2018, from the most searched terms to the top hashtags of the year. Read more

The SSM ‘Yes’ Vote One Year On

By: Akos Balogh

It’s been one year. One year since Australia voted ‘yes’ to Same-Sex Marriage. You might have missed the anniversary last Thursday (it wasn’t headline news – which is surprising, considering the airtime it took up a year ago). But it was picked up by the likes of The Project, where presenter Carrie Bickmore confidently asserted that ‘the sky hasn’t fallen in’ since SSM became legal. Read more

Springtime Cuteness from Australian Baby Animals

By: Kim Wilkinson

Baby Wombats, tiny Tasmanian Devils and a Koala learning to jump for the first time – it doesn’t get much cuter, or more Australian, than this. Read more

Surviving the Fortnite Craze: A Guide for Frustrated Parents

By: Clare Bruce

Are you tearing your hair out over your child’s Fortnite gaming habits? Read more

yanny laurel

Would Jesus Be a Laurel or Yanny?

By: Sam Chan

Laurel or Yanny?

I hear Laurel but you might hear Yanny. And, if you must know, my wife hears Yearly. Read more

When Humans are Cloned One Day, How Should Christians Respond?

By: Clare Bruce

Imagine a world where humans are cloned, and babies are tailor-made to fulfil specific roles in society. Read more


5 Megatrends That Will Dominate the next Decade

By: Michael McQueen

Any experienced surfer knows how important it is to keep one eye fixed on the horizon. While a wave is still forming a long way off, that is the time to start paddling, to get into position and get ready. Leave it too long or fail to move at all, and you’ll be wiped out as the wave crashes you. Read more

Israel folau

5 Reflections From the Israel Folau Media Storm

By: Akos Balogh

Australian Rugby star Israel Folau has found himself in hot water. As an outspoken Christian, he put up a post on Instagram showing us how God’s plan for our lives is often different to our plans. Someone then posted a comment, asking the question: ‘What was God’s plan for gay people?’. To which Folau replied: ‘HELL…unless they repent and turn to God’. Read more