The Future is Arriving Ahead of Schedule, Thanks to COVID

By: Michael McQueen

Whatever the circumstance, one thing we can be sure of is that the future is coming. No matter the success of the standards and systems of the past, disruption is inevitable. Read more

The Global Population is Set to Peak in 2064

By: McCrindle

The latest population modelling shows that the dire forecasts of global overpopulation and food shortages are unlikely to eventuate. Read more

In Defence of the Name Karen

By: McCrindle

Much has been made of the name Karen in popular culture recently. Through memes and social media, the name has been used as a euphemism for a woman of privilege who is demanding at the expense of others. Read more

The Internet is Losing It’s Mind Over This Banana Caramilk Cake Recipe

By: 96five

It seems like just about everyone has taken up baking as a hobby since the start of COVID. Read more

After COVID-19: What Will Never Be the Same

By: Michael McQueen

With the dramatic changes that have occurred across the globe in recent months in the midst of our modern crisis, many of our standing systems have had to rework their regular ways of doing business. Read more

Australia’s Top Baby Names 2020

By: McCrindle

Each year Australia’s states and territories publish the top names given to babies in the previous year. McCrindle collates this data from the respective states and territories, analyses it, and uncovers the nation-wide trends. The data is in, and Australia’s top baby names are revealed. Read more

The George Floyd “Apocalypse”: What His Death Reveals About Our Western World

By: Akos Balogh

George Floyd is now a household name across the globe. An African American man who was killed while being arrested by a white police officer, Floyd’s death has sent shockwaves throughout the US (and much of the world). As I write, protests are still continuing in many American cities, with many of them turning violent. Read more

Insights for Leaders During the COVID-19 Crisis

By: McCrindle

The words ‘unprecedented’, ‘volatile’ and ‘uncertain’ are now entrenched in the language we use to describe the start of 2020. The impacts of COVID-19 are being felt in everyday life – from how we shop to how we work, engage in community, learn, educate, contribute and lead – marking a significant societal shift, the impacts of which will be felt even after the virus is kept under control. Read more

COVID-19 Leads to Panic Buying Contagion

By: McCrindle

At the start of the year, no one could have predicted how one virus that started in the Chinese city of Wuhan, a place most people would have never heard of until this year, would affect the lives of almost everyone in the world. Read more

How the Charities and NFP Sector Is Changing; From Mass Marketing to Personalisation

By: McCrindle

The charities and not-for-profit (NFP) sector are core to Australian communities with the oldest charities in Australia dating back more than 200 years. Read more