The Danger of Emotional Affairs

By: Dr. Debbie L. Cherry

Jake has been married to Kim for four years and feels good about how their relationship is going, except for their lack of time together. He admits his job is keeping him away, but he wants the promotion that’s coming up. Read more

How to Cope With Conflict

By: Pastor Jared

In this world, conflict happens. Jesus put it this way: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Read more

6 Tips on How to Disagree Respectfully

By: Judah Kampkes

Especially when it comes to sharing about faith, learning how to have a discussion about Jesus without it turning into a fist-fight is an art, but it’s something every Christian needs to be equipped to do. Read more

Singles, Feed Your Love Language

By: Suzanne Hadley Gosselin

Love-starved singles may feel like they need to take drastic measures, but there may be a simple solution to getting more love out of your life. Read more

Why Self-care Is Important to Your Marriage

By: Amy Van Veen

What fills your tank? Perhaps you already know the answer to this question – as well as why it’s important for your life, your family and your marriage. But if you’re like most, you’ve probably never asked yourself what it is that fills you with joy and energy. Read more

Tips From a Guy, For When Guys Don’t Notice You

By: Joshua Rodgers

Godly guys care about the beauty of your heart, but you can also put some thought into the way you look on the outside. Read more

Yvonne Griese – A Cross in Time: Where Does Our Faith Come From?

By: Laura Bennett

There’s a lot of conflicting emotions when your own habits start to remind you of your parents’. The horror of turning into an adult like them mixes with a sense of pride in the strength of your DNA. It’s excitingly tribal and depressing all at the same time. Read more

How I Dealt with the Flicker of an Old Flame

By: Tricia Goyer

I worked at my desk, noting in the windowsill, a family photograph that warmed my heart. The “you’ve-got-mail” chime sounded, and I glanced at my email. Scanning the name, my heartbeat quickened. Steven. My first boyfriend. My first kiss. My first everything. I opened the email: Read more


Would God Tell You who to Marry?

By: Tania Harris

One of the most surprising findings of my PhD studies is that a significant number of interviewees testified to hearing God’s voice about a future marriage partner. Read more