
My Floorboards Make Me Feel like a Terrible Person

By: Jennie Scott

When I magically and mysteriously become inexplicably rich, the first thing I will do is hire someone to clean my bathrooms. The two children I gave birth to have been granted that great privilege now, and their skills are still somewhat, shall I say, lacking. Their top priority is to finish, not necessarily finish well. Read more


Banana Pancakes

By: Susan Joy | The JOYful Table

Serves: 6 pancakes | Prep Time: 00:06 | Cooking Time: 00:15

My favourite way to eat these yummy sweet grain free pancakes, is to top them with coconut yoghurt and fresh strawberries, a drizzle of honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon. For a very special treat or a birthday breakfast, you could add 1/4 cup of dark chocolate chips (no soy, paleo friendly of course), just mix them through the batter by hand before cooking. Read more

take a moment

Take a Moment Monday: Your Creative Best

By: Elaine Fraser

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. Galatians 6:4-5 (The Message) Read more


Three Nutritious 5 Minute Breakfasts

By: Supriya Sajja

We all know “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But sometimes when you’re choosing between the extra 20 minutes of sleep or eating breakfast, it’s a no brainer that you’ll hit snooze one more time. Read more

Doing Better than you think

You're Doing so Much Better than You Think You Are

By: Jennie Scott

If one of the spiritual gifts is having a pity party, then the Holy Spirit blessed me immensely.

But for real. Read more


Stop Using Facebook as a Weapon

By: Rodney Olsen

Do you remember the three essential rules of keeping a mogwai from the eighties movie Gremlins? Read more

spend money and time

What Are You Spending?

By: Rodney Olsen

If I gave you a thousand dollars (I’m not going to but let’s pretend for a moment) what would you spend it on? Read more

aussie spread

Aussie Spread Recipe (Vegemite Alternative)

By: Susan Joy | The JOYful Table

 Why would I make a homemade “Aussie Spread” recipe? I can hear you say, what about store-bought black spreads? Most of us would be able to sing the TV ad ‘We’re happy little Vegemites, as bright as bright can be, we all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea‘. 

Read more


Radical Wonder

By: Elaine Fraser

Awareness of the divine begins with wonder – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

I sit in a café and watch a little girl play with her toys. ‘Wow!’  Her voice is filled with wonder. She’s focused, she’s smiling, and her eyes are filled with amazement. Read more

What I Learned Running 1000 Miles Last Year

By: Jennie Scott

I haven’t always been a runner, and I still don’t think of myself as an athlete. I was 26 years old (and 6 months postpartum) when I ran my first 5k, and I still find it hard to believe I’ve run two marathons. Read more