All-Purpose BBQ Seasoning

By: Susan Joy

An All-Purpose seasoning to add flavour to a plain piece of meat with no effort. It’s not only delicious sprinkled over meat, chicken and fish but try it sprinkled over your cooked eggs or an omelette. By making your own seasoning, you miss out on the anti-caking agents and flavour enhances added to so many store-bought seasonings. Use organic herbs and spices where possible.
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Christmas Snowballs

By: Susan Joy

These snowballs are a quick and easy festive treat. I’ve used cacao butter with just a little coconut oil to give a delicious white-fudge flavour. Maple syrup or honey can be used as the sweetener but my preference is 100% maple syrup as honey can tend to overpower other flavours. The cacao butter will help hold your snowballs together during our warm Aussie Christmas but it’s still best to serve them straight from the fridge.

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Gingerbread Bliss Balls

By: Susan Joy

When you live in a hot place like Western Australia at Christmas time, these delicious gingerbread balls are a better option than baking. They really hit the spot with their spicy ginger flavour. This healthy snack is not only gluten and grain-free but is also vegan.
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The Best Books I Read in 2019 (and a Few Others)

By: Sheridan Voysey

Where would we be without books? What wonder and wisdom we’d miss out on, what delight we’d forfeit. And so I present to you this year’s edition of my Best Books list (you can find previous year’s lists here).
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Why We Should Trade In Our Education Bias

By: Michael McQueen

If you rose through the grades of the schooling system in the last forty years or so, it is almost certain that at some point you were encouraged toward university.

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The Wonderful Act of Giving

By: Christine Addis

Christmas is almost upon us and in the midst of all of the preparations it is our usual practise to turn our thoughts toward giving.

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Can I Get a Busy Badge?

By: Rodney Olsen

You’ve had the same conversation a thousand times. You meet up with someone who asks how you’ve been and you answer by telling them … ‘busy’.
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Do Small Steps Really Matter?

By: Christine Addis

How many times have we second guessed ourselves when we are confronted with something we want to change and make a decision to do so only to give up because we fail to see the progress achieved by seemingly small steps?

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Abused as a Child, Addicted to Porn as an Adult, Restored by Therapy and Jesus: Pastor Tim Ross

By: Clare Bruce

If someone you know battles an addiction, it’s probably covering up some deep-seated wound or emotional pain they don’t know how to face.
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Have You Taken the Time to Plan?

By: Christine Addis

What is it about retirement that we feel we have all the time in the world to think about it but go into a mad panic when we reach our 50th birthday and feel like we are destined to live a less than desirable life on the pension?

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