Feeling Unmotivated – And How to Deal With It
By: Danni Synot
I have a confession to make. Sometimes I have days when I just can’t be bothered. I mean really can’t be bothered. Read more
By: Danni Synot
I have a confession to make. Sometimes I have days when I just can’t be bothered. I mean really can’t be bothered. Read more
Comparison is the fastest destroyer of calling, joy, and peace. When you compare your life, journey, talent, gifting, or calling to someone else’s, you will always find yourself lacking. Read more
Confidence is a funny thing…..when we have it we can conquer the world, when we don’t have it we approach things differently, we are intimidated and scared to step out into new things. Read more
By: Michael McQueen
With the last couple of years boasting an unrivalled pace of change, 2022 is approaching with promise of further transformations in the way we live, work and shop. With global crises exposing inefficiencies and issues of remote living raising demands for new solutions, technological innovations have been quickly adopted by businesses and are set to continue taking over our work and play. Read more
By: Gabriel Garcia
Books. One of the greatest inventions of mankind. However, though books are a wonderful source of entertainment and knowledge there is a downside to our wonderful book collections at home; they take up a lot of space. Read more
By: Stephen McAlpine
How do we make space, to rest and be still, in this constantly “on” age? Is it even possible any longer? Are we so attached to our technology that we have lost the ability to tune out and turn off? And if it is impossible, what are the implications for us relationally and spiritually? Read more
By: McCrindle
Generation Z describes those born between 1995 and 2009. Many of them are too young to remember the arrival of digital technology. They have grown up with and have been significantly socialised by screen-based devices. Read more