Look for the Lie

By: Jennie Scott

I wish I could remember where I first heard it, this truth that’s been rocking my world.

I don’t know if it was on a podcast or in a book, on my TV or from my friend’s mouth. All I know is that I somehow jotted it down as a note in my phone, and I’ve been looking at it ever since. Read more

What Idolatry Looks like in the 21st Century

By: Alex Cook

I recently read a great book by a well-known American Pastor Timothy Keller called Counterfeit Gods. In it he talks about what Idolatry looks like in our modern world and that it is generally not how most of us think about it. Read more

The Storms We Make Ourselves

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

You may have heard the story of Jesus walking on the sea. But it’s important to understand that there was an important back story… Read more

Whose Kingdom Are You Building?

By: Sabrina Peters

Did you know it’s possible to spend your life serving God and end up not really knowing Him? It’s possible to build a big Church, big youth ministry or big online platform and completely forget who it’s all really for. Read more

5 Things Every Christian Should Know About Digital Technology

By: Akos Balogh

Digital technology saturates our lives: smartphones, social media, Google and Instagram. From teenagers to grandparents, we’re all swimming in a digital sea. Read more

I’m Not Surprised Muhammad Rejected Jesus’ Story: Following Him is Humiliating

By: Tania Harris

Two weeks in Turkey recently left me wondering how a land so steeped in Christian history became 98% Muslim. In the first century, this was the area of Asia Minor, famous for Paul’s extraordinary missionary journeys and landmark churches such as Ephesus and Philadelphia. Today Turkish cities are populated with mosques rather than cathedrals and minarets rather than steeples punctuate the skylines. Read more

The Greatest Ever Promise of Jesus

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

There are so many wonderful promises in the Bible, but many people miss the greatest every promise of Jesus! I’ll come to the reason why they miss it in a moment. But the greatest promise is this one, from the lips of Jesus himself: Read more

Faith Sharing Tip: Bring Church out of the Building

By: Morag Paton

Have you ever got stuck thinking that you need to bring people to church for them to hear about Jesus? While church is a great place to gather, it’s important that we don’t let the mindset creep in that people need to come to church to get to know Jesus. Read more

Hope for Those With Little Faith

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Let me confess something about myself. I’m not some kind of model Christian. By nature I’m a pessimist and a worrier. Often, little things cause me stress. Read more

Feel The Fear

By: Neri Morris

“Feel the fear and do it anyway”

Every time I read this phrase or say it out loud I envisage a breath being drawn in and then exhaled right where the word “and” appears. It’s as though this word is the turning point. Things change, right there, in “…and….”. Read more