Who’s Been Left Behind by COVID-Accelerated Automation?

By: Michael McQueen

While current trends like the Great Resignation are placing powers in the hands of employees, the technological advancement that the pandemic accelerated is highlighting the many industries that are increasingly vulnerable to disruption. Read more

Leading Effective Teams When Working From Home

By: McCrindle

When it comes to leading teams that thrive, the world in which leaders do this has undergone seismic shifts. Some of these shifts include portfolio careers, technological change and of course, the transformational shifts brought on by COVID-19. Almost overnight, the office-bound workforce globally relocated to their homes – and have kept working that way since. Read more

How to Spot Trends

By: McCrindle

Being a futurist is an interesting profession. For some it conjures an image of a crystal ball. For others, excel spreadsheets. It may come as a surprise that, in fact, no one can predict the future with certainty. But we can prepare for it. By observing the changes and thinking about what will influence the future, leaders and organisations can be better prepared for what is to come. Read more

New Company Turns Meeting Fatigue Into Charitable Donations

By: Laura Bennett

Before there was Zoom fatigue, there was already severe meeting fatigue in many workplaces across Australia. In 2021, it was reported that over 55 million meetings occurred every week in the US, and with the ease of digital access to employees, we can only imagine that number is on the rise and mirrored around the globe. Read more

The Importance of Bringing a Positive Attitude to the Workplace

By: McCrindle

We all know the Monday morning atmosphere when colleagues come into the office again after the weekend. Our attitude, either positive or negative, can predict the rest of the day and sometimes the whole week. Read more

The Perks of Paranoia: Why Fear Might Be Your Best Business Resource

By: Michael McQueen

Looking back over the last two years quickly reveals a narrative of fear. In all the frenzies of panic-buying, the conspiracy theories and the misinformation that fed our anxiety, we have consistently been driven to hysteria by a very primal sense of fear. Read more

3 Dilemmas in the New World of Work

By: Michael McQueen

Working from home raised a range of challenges, but as life continues getting back to normal post-Covid, it is the return to work that might pose the most difficulty. Clashes between the expectations of employees and employers are becoming more frequent, as are debates surrounding how work should function in the post-Covid world. Read more

Is the Office Dead?

By: McCrindle

Since the beginning of the pandemic, for many, working from home has become the new normal. While it can have its challenges, the benefits seem to outweigh them. Read more

“The Great Resignation”: Why People Are Quitting Their Jobs

By: Michael Crooks

As the pandemic continued to wreak its turmoil this year, millions of people throughout the world began quitting their jobs. Read more

Wellbeing in the Work-From-Home Era

By: McCrindle

Over the last few years, wellbeing has risen to the top of the agenda. It’s one of the key challenges and opportunities that our society faces. In any given week, we spend more than a third of our waking hours at work – so it’s the place that we most need to get wellbeing right. Read more