holy yoga

Holy Yoga: A New-And-Ancient Way to Spend Time with God

By: Duncan Robinson

I had a chance to sit down with Alyssa Mak. She has her own blog and has recently transitioned back into the world of yoga. Read more

I can only imagine

If You’re a Fan of Mercy Me, Go See This Movie – and Take the Tissues

By: Clare Bruce

It’s become Mercy Me’s best known song, but until now, few people knew the full, heartbreaking story behind I Can Only Imagine. Read more


5 Simple Ideas to Have More Fun in Your Marriage

By: Amy Van Veen

Is your marriage fun?

For a lot of people, that question is a no-brainer. “Of course we’re having fun!” they say. But for many, this question makes them realize it’s been a long time since “fun” has been a word to describe their relationship. Read more


Encouragement for the Parent Who Just Feels Different

By: Jennie Scott

My life looks nothing like the one I planned.

My life doesn’t look like most of my friends’ lives.

I am different from most of the other mums in my circle.

And different is hard. Read more


A Tale of Two God-Decisions | How to Know God’s Will

By: Tania Harris

Decision-making as a Christian can get complicated. Some people say we need to hear God’s voice in all our decisions; others say the will of God is wide open and we can choose whatever option seems best to us. How do we know God’s will for our lives? To address this question, I’m going to share from two different scenarios in my own life: one in which God spoke and one in which he didn’t. Read more


The Morning Dawns and the Evening Fades

By: Susan Browning

It usually starts with someone either screaming, crying, kicking me or begging for TV before a reasonable hour. It’s my life, and I love it. But most days do begin startled or in a groan and a vague rolling out of bed after a lot of denial. It’s a rude awakening. Read more

black panther

What Black Panther Says About Humans Will Shock You

By: Sam Chan

Black Panther is the latest instalment in the Marvel franchise. Scoring 97% on Rotten Tomatoes, it is the #1 movie at the box office right now. But what makes this movie so special? Read more

pornography accident

7 Strategies for When Your Child Accidentally Finds Pornography

By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families

Many experts view pornography as a public health crisis, especially because of the way that it impacts children and young people. According to the UK Office of the Children’s Commissioner, “Basically… porn is everywhere.” Their analysis of research into the impact of pornography on children was conducted in 2013, and confirms several concerning things: Read more


Maintaining a Forgiving Spirit While Ministering to the Broken

By: Ted Cunningham

We are called to encourage one another and lift each other up. These days, it only takes a few minutes online to see a lot of hurting people and broken relationships. A quick scroll through our social media channels can be overwhelming and discouraging. Read more

harvest collection

How a Mumpreneur Unlocked Her Autistic Son’s Gift for Art

By: Clare Bruce

It’s not very often you see a nine-year-old boy to go into business. But that’s what Jonathan Sunarho has done: in partnership with his entrepreneurial mum, Mary Sunarho. Read more