My Kind of Doctor: “It’s Only Too Much Coffee When It Hurts Your Wallet”

By: Anne Rinaudo

Professor Merlin Thomas is a physician and a scientist in the Department of Medicine at Monash University. His work links the complex disciplines of biochemistry and biology to the real needs of real people; like our real need for real coffee (or tea). Read more

Hugely Popular Rockers Skillet Back to Tour Australia

By: Tim Bain

In the lead up to interviewing Skillet’s front man John Cooper, I did a bit of research and to the best of my limited information, I was surprised to find out just how big they are. Read more

6 Tips on How to Disagree Respectfully

By: Judah Kampkes

Especially when it comes to sharing about faith, learning how to have a discussion about Jesus without it turning into a fist-fight is an art, but it’s something every Christian needs to be equipped to do. Read more

School Holidays the Perfect Time to Pack Your Christmas Shoebox for a Child Overseas

By: Hope Media

It’s that time of year again: time to take a special shopping trip, pack a shoebox of Christmas gifts for a child in a developing nation, in preparation for Operation Christmas Child. Read more

Would You Pay Ten Cents A Litre More For Milk To Help Dairy Farmers?

By: Anne Rinaudo

The dairy industry has hit crisis point as a result of soaring operational costs, crippling drought and ongoing challenges to achieve fair milk prices. The Queensland Dairyfarmers Organisation (QDO) have started a petition for a ten cents a litre Drought Levy on milk. Read more

Fear and Anxiety in Children: What’s Normal, and What’s Not

By: Focus On The Family

In a young child’s world, so much is new and unfamiliar. When you consider a toddler’s inexperience, coupled with their limited reasoning skills, it’s easy to understand why a toddler might react in fear to a host of benign, everyday things. Read more

Burnout Begins With Weariness. Here’s How to Stop it Going Further

By: Sheridan Voysey

Robert Coles, the eminent American psychiatrist, once wrote a book called The Call of Service. Collating his work over three decades with charity workers, civil rights campaigners and community volunteers, Coles explored the reasons why people serve others and what satisfactions they get from doing so. Read more

The House With a Clock in It’s Walls: Movie Review

By: Rachel Murphy

The House with a Clock in its Walls is an enchanting tale of how a little weird can do a lot of good. But it’s also a perfect opportunity to talk with our kids about how we soak up the themes and messages in the things we watch. Read more

What Idolatry Looks like in the 21st Century

By: Alex Cook

I recently read a great book by a well-known American Pastor Timothy Keller called Counterfeit Gods. In it he talks about what Idolatry looks like in our modern world and that it is generally not how most of us think about it. Read more