3 Keys to a Stronger Family

By: Brett Ryan

Family is where your heart is…….

What do you think when you hear the word “family”? Family can envisage many different experiences and emotions. Some pleasant, but for some, it is the opposite. Read more

The Importance of Creating Simply For Your Own Joy

By: Susan Browning

It’s so easy to get stuck in our ordinary, wouldn’t you agree? If anything motherhood has opened my eyes to the ways I used to be creative when uninhibited by obligation, or creative deadlines. Or well, life. Creativity accesses the child within us all, and when modelled it can pass onto Kingdom expression to the next generation – which is why I think creating for joy ourselves is such an important aspect of our lives. Read more

How to Teach Your Kids to Be an Entrepreneur

By: Rachel Doherty

Parents can teach a child to be an entrepreneur by giving them a chance to develop business skills. That happens best through trial and error. Read more

The Islands of Average, Honour and Shame

By: Duncan Robinson

There are three islands in the world, Average, Honour and Shame. On each of these islands there lives a number of people. Some people start on Honour Island, but most of us start on either Average or Shame Island. Average Island is where the majority of the population dwells. Our hope is one day to catch a one-way ticket to Honour Island. Whether that be through celebrity or prestige or wealth. Our hope is that we might end up on Honour Island. Read more

Plastic is Choking Bali – Meet the Aussies Running to Save It

By: Clare Bruce

Every year, a million Aussies flock to Bali for holidays, corporate conferences and schoolies parties, drawn by the island’s resorts, gorgeous beaches and laid-back lifestyle. Read more

2018 in Review: Top Trends of the Year

By: McCrindle

2018 was a big year. It brought with it everything from the Royal Wedding to the Thai cave rescue. As 2018 comes to a close, we look back at some of the top trends of 2018, from the most searched terms to the top hashtags of the year. Read more

Gospel Singer Anthony Evans: Peace, Heartbreak and the Christina Aguilera Effect

By: Laura Bennett

Raised in the church by renowned American preacher Dr. Tony Evans, and counting international speaker Priscilla Shirer among his siblings, Anthony Evans’ career as a gospel singer isn’t surprising. Read more

How to Stop Feeling Like a Guilty Parent in the School Holidays

By: Rachel Doherty

The parent guilt of letting teenagers and children spend the school holidays glued to a screen is real. But what’s wrong with letting our kids be a little lazy? Read more


By: Neri Morris

The Sabbath. A day designated for rest and reflection.

There is much discussion surrounding this commanded day of rest, is it meant to be Sunday or Saturday? Is it only so that we can attend church? etc. Read more

How to Deal With Trolls (Hint: Don’t Get Even and Don’t Give In)

By: Sheridan Voysey

“You need to get a life,” Laura told me. “There’s plenty you can do to help children without being a father.” Then there was Maya: “Forgive me if I don’t cry a river when men suffer the indignity of infertility when women have suffered that stigma for millennia.” And Charlie had his say: “Get over your ego and adopt.” Read more