3 Ways to Open the Door to Conversation

By: yesHeis

Let’s be honest, we’ve all had that awkward moment… You feel a really witty comment jump out of your mouth, you expect it to fly through the air to the sound of laughter, instead, it crashes and burns in silence. It didn’t hit the comedic mark…
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Why A Social License Is The Key to Millennial Marketing

By: Michael McQueen

The fundamental goal of businesses is to make a profit. Statements like this have permeated business textbooks, dominated the strategic plans of companies and summarised the ethos of the corporate world essentially since it began.

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The Good Place Ain’t So Great

By: Stephen McAlpine

I’m a late adopter of TV series.  I’m the bloke who dismisses it with a shrug, only to binge watch it later and talk about it as if he were an expert on all things that show.

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What to Do When Your Teen is Caught ‘Sexting’

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Dear Dr Justin,

I have a teenage daughter who has been sending inappropriate photos to boys, and one has been shared around amongst her peer group. We’ve raised her to know that’s wrong, but she still doesn’t seem to get it. What should we do?

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‘In Christ Alone’ – Modern Hymn Ranked Highly Amongst Favourites

By: Kim Wilkinson

In Christ Alone, the hymn co-written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend has been voted by the British public as the third most popular hymn of all time in the UK’s Favourite Hymns, a BBC Songs of Praise special programme. Read more

“Unplanned” Anti-Abortion Movie Confronting, but Surprisingly Balanced

By: Laura Bennett

As NSW has just decriminalised abortion, Unplanned is a timely release. The first thing to acknowledge ahead of this review, is that people’s beliefs about abortion are complex.

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A Little Girl’s Tears of Joy – Over Pens, Pencils, Erasers and Socks

By: Clare Bruce

It’s amazing the difference a few simple little gifts can make in the life of someone who’s living in poverty.
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Incredible Act of Jesus-Like Mercy, as Man Forgives the Woman who Killed His Brother

By: Clare Bruce

It was an astonishing and rare display of Christ-like love in a Texas courtroom, when a young man forgave the Dallas woman who shot and killed his brother.
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Salt – Important to Every System in our Bodies

By: Elizabeth Connolly

Salt or Sodium (yes it’s the same thing) is a mineral. Our body contains around 250g of it, which makes up 0.4% of our body weight (so maybe a bit more salt in my body). It is an Electrolyte like Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium. Salt is important to every system in our bodies, from your blood to your nerves and even your digestive system. Read more

Make way for Gen Alpha

By: McCrindle

The new generation of youngsters is Gen Alpha (see why we named them that, here). They are currently aged under 10 and are born between 2010 and 2024. They are the children of Gen Y, who are currently in their 20-30’s. There are 3 million Gen Alpha’s in Australia, who are now populating our primary schools.
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