“Jesus Spoke to me in a Dream.” Does God Speak to those who don’t know him?
By: Tania Harris | God Conversations
We know that God is able to speak to us by his Spirit, but does God speak to those who don’t know him?
By: Tania Harris | God Conversations
We know that God is able to speak to us by his Spirit, but does God speak to those who don’t know him?
By: Laura Bennett
For lasting change to come to any vulnerable population, the local community needs to be equipped to build their own future, and have independent financial stability.
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By: Laura Bennett
Space movies have been all the rage with the 50th anniversary of the moon landing this year. We’ve seen the Apollo 11 documentary. Armstrong is soon to be released, and First Man prepped us for the milestone a while ago.
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By: Michael McQueen
For many of us, the very mention of Artificial Intelligence conjures up futuristic notions of SkyNet and cunning malevolent robots rising to destroy humankind in the Terminator film series.
By: Graham McDonald
Throughout the history of mankind, the natural progression of life has been a birth ultimately followed by death at some point in time, except for a few notable exceptions that are recorded in the Holy Scriptures.
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By: Clare Bruce
As the pressure on school leavers to choose uni degrees and career paths ramps up, it’s a good time for the advice of Pastor Charlotte Gambill: “chill out!”
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By: Clare Bruce
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has spoken out about the unifying power of prayer at a prayer breakfast in Parliament House.
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I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! (Mark 9:24, NIV).
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By: Sharon Fitness
Each year ACCTV likes to dedicate one week to the remarkable efforts of Compassion and other like-minded organisations doing impressive work amongst the poor and marginalised throughout the world, particularly children.
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