Black Friday Gaining Recognition in Australia

By: McCrindle

Black Friday is the retail super-day popular in the U.S. and in 2019 it will take place on November 29. It is the day following the Thanksgiving public holiday and in some states, it is an additional holiday. All of this has combined to make it the unofficial start to the Christmas shopping season and the biggest single shopping day of the year. Read more

Abused as a Child, Addicted to Porn as an Adult, Restored by Therapy and Jesus: Pastor Tim Ross

By: Clare Bruce

If someone you know battles an addiction, it’s probably covering up some deep-seated wound or emotional pain they don’t know how to face.
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Australia’s Income and Wealth Distribution

By: McCrindle

The average household annual income is $116,584 and the national average household net wealth has tipped the million-dollar mark for the first time at $1,022,200, according to the ABS’ latest Survey of Income and Housing (2017-18).
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Be a Friend of God

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a relationship with God like Moses had?
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Why The Atheists Are Right About Religious Discrimination In Australia

By: Akos Balogh

Are the majority of Atheists and other non-religious Aussies right when it comes to religious discrimination in Australia?
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Why I’m not Afraid to Take my Kids Out in Public

By: Jenny Baxter

There was a recent news report about a Christchurch family who visited a local café. By accident they discovered they were labelled as the “family with the terrifying kid”! Read about it here >>>.

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African Enterprise Brings Trauma Healing to Schools

By: Laura Bennett

Across the Western world, mental health and the impact of traumatic events on our wellbeing, is increasingly a field of study that’s prioritised and valued.
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TV’s Jamie Malcolm and his Lifelong Connection to God

By: Laura Bennett

If you’ve ever bought something you’ve seen on the tellie, or watched Mornings with Kerri Anne in the early 2000s, it’s likely you’ve seen the ‘infomercial king’, Jamie Malcolm.

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Have You Taken the Time to Plan?

By: Christine Addis

What is it about retirement that we feel we have all the time in the world to think about it but go into a mad panic when we reach our 50th birthday and feel like we are destined to live a less than desirable life on the pension?

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3 Keys to Identifying Friction in Business

By: Michael McQueen

Nothing turns a customer off more than friction. In fact, nothing turns an employee off more than friction either. If businesses are to remain indisruptible in the years to come, identifying friction is paramount, so here are 3 key questions to help you find it.
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