Do You Have Generational Gaps in Life-Skills?
By: Jenny Baxter
Generational Gaps: Who would have thought what your grandparents didn’t know makes a difference to you?
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By: Jenny Baxter
Generational Gaps: Who would have thought what your grandparents didn’t know makes a difference to you?
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By: Clare Bruce
The Christian non-profit Open Doors is urging Australians to increase their prayer and support for the persecuted church, as believers are targeted with surveillance and biometric technology.
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By: Yvette Cherry
I met Jesus once. Well actually, just his shoes and his legs up to about the knee. But it was Him. He didn’t need me to see the whole of him for me to know.
By: Clare Bruce
The mother of three children killed in a horrific road crash in Sydney on Saturday night says she forgives the driver involved, and “cannot hate him”—and has asked the community to pray for her family. Read more
By: Susan Joy
Teriyaki Chicken is a simple and delicious dinner that’s cooked in minutes. It also makes a wonderful finger food for parties, just add a toothpick to each piece of chicken. Teriyaki sauce originated in Japan, the name refers to the shine or lustre the sauce has. The very high sugar content in regular Teriyaki dishes produces the shine. I’m happy to say I’ve been able to create a delicious sauce/marinade containing no refined sugars or soy sauce. I’ve used organic coconut aminos in place of soy sauce. Soy has isoflavones which can raise estrogen and decrease testosterone.
By: Michael McQueen
Over 30 years ago, a cohort of middle school students was given some mathematics problems to solve.
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By: Clare Bruce
When a small group of amazing Australians gathered in Canberra for the naming of the “Australian of the Year”, one of those sitting in the audience, on the edge of his seat and holding his breath, was Professor Munjed Al Muderis.
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By: Justin Rouillon
Sheppard have announced the release of ‘Phoenix’, a song dedicated to victims of the Australian bushfires, which aims to raise money for those affected by the disasters. Read more
“Excess screen time has reduced our attention span to eight seconds, one less than that of a goldfish.”