Personalisation is Getting Personal: Here’s Where Tech Trends Meet Food Fads
The trend of high-tech customer personalisation has worked its way into the health and nutrition fields, writes futurist Michael McQueen.
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The trend of high-tech customer personalisation has worked its way into the health and nutrition fields, writes futurist Michael McQueen.
Often we want to be lilke a mighty tree… but Jesus teaches us that the path to greatness is the path of the tiny mustard seed.
Pacing is the strategy of managing fatigue and other symptoms in chronic conditions such as post-viral fatigue, CFS and more.
Whether you know the name Gudinski or not, it doesn’t take long to realise how he influenced generations through his talent discoveries.
Imagine your diary is at a predictable place so that people know when you are working and when you can be contacted. You can make it happen!
Do you ever wake up wanting to live like Peter Pan? You know the child who never grew up and frolicked in Neverland?
One of the industries where tech innovation is hitting the ground most effectively is agriculture, writes Michael McQueen.
Learning to manage our stress through periods of heightened stress like Year 12 exams, is a helpful life-skill. Here are some expert tips.
Validation and acknowledgment is significant for younger generations in the workplace with more than half of Gen Z seeking frequent praise.
The West now accepts that paedophilia is morally repugnant. But it wasn’t always this way, writes Akos Balogh.