This Simple Act Can Really Make Your Life Count
Among charities that offer friendship to the elderly, it’s the students, young mums and other volunteers who say they benefit most.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3730 entries already.
Among charities that offer friendship to the elderly, it’s the students, young mums and other volunteers who say they benefit most.
“There’s a lot of darkness in the world and this movie is a bright light [that] shines a light on the ultimate bright light which is Christ.”
Three quarters of Gen Z and 72% of Gen Y indicate they struggle spending too much time on screens and technology.
Paul is referring to those who are weak because they insist on certain religious principles – ones that are voided by our liberty in Christ.
While I respect Obama in many ways, I have concerns about his popular view that ‘nobody’s hands are clean’ in the Israel-Hamas war.
Things are awry in the universe as the indestructible Captain Marvel flies around in her Crocs with her cat Goose, in ‘The Marvels’.
It’s easy to get some legal advice to write a will, but how do we make Biblically informed decisions about the resources God has given us?
The Christmas shopping season is set to kick-off with a weekend spending frenzy toward the end of November.
Egg-laying chicks, equipping a classroom, or a month of food for a family, are available in the Samaritan’s Purse Christmas gift catalogue.
I don’t know if you have ever left a church service thinking, “Wow – that was really beautiful.” Here are two Sundays where I did…